Baby Guinea Pigs!

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So when one of our old guinea pigs died in August, we thought it would only be fair to give Fat Ruth a new friend to spend her twilight years with. The general thought was that if we rescued an adult, they would be calmer and more suited to Ruth's food-is-all-I-care-about attitude. So off to the RSPCA we went.
Here we saw a guinea pig called Claudia who was the most perfect little thing but had been neglected by her previous owner. So we brought her home, gradually introduced her to her new pal Fat Ruth and all seemed fine and dandy.
Then she started to get fat. And not just putting on chub because she was previously really skinny, I mean 3 little fat lumps that kicked, wriggled and hiccupped. It became clear very quickly what the situation was...
So a couple of weeks later, I came down early in the morning and saw three perfect little beans chilling in the cage like they'd lived for weeks. They were so perfectly formed, and were already clumsily running round the cage eating hay. Maybe the whole stork dropping parcels of babies thing is true...
I'm SO pleased they were all healthy as with Claud's background being a bit rubbish, we didn't have particularly high hopes.
So now poor old Ruth isn't exactly enjoying a lot of peace and quite, but she's taken on a bit of a Grandma role and seems perfectly content. Here are some pictures of the little bundles of joy, taken over the past 3 weeks.

This is the Mumma!


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